This thread is for posting grant opportunities and similar content. If there’s a grant opportunity that someone might want to apply for using FieldKit, feel free to share it here!
PADI Foundation is offering grants for projects related to aquatic ecosystems, the impact of climate change on coastal and ocean environments, or diving physiology. The deadline is January 15, 2021. Learn more here.
Hat tip to our own @petmar for bringing this to my attention!
NASA Spends Millions on Staring at Space and Earth:
The ES part of ROSES is Earth Science, and they fund earth surface environmental monitoring.
Another interesting opportunity for anyone looking to put together a larger network of stations: the new ARPA-E solicitation is out!
EPA is running an InnoCentive challenge for cleaner indoor air during wildfires: InnoCentive - Challenge Center
NFWF is now running their Conservation Partners Program for this year: Conservation Partners Program 2021 Request for Proposal | NFWF
Relevant for our #libraries folks -
Libraries and library systems are invited to submit applications for the Citizen Science Month (CSM) Mini Grants to help fund #citizen-science projects.
The Andrew Family Foundation has just posted this announcement:
Preserving the Natural Environment in Under-Resourced Communities
National Geographic has announced this program:
COVID-19 Science Fund
Due Date: 2021-03-31 (Deadline for required statements of interest)
Notes: This program will fund projects focused on how humanity and the natural world have reacted to and are living through the unparalleled circumstances created by the coronavirus pandemic in order to better understand how the pandemic — or the threat of another — will shape the world for years to come. Grants of up to $50,000 will be awarded in support of research, conservation, and technology projects on the following two topics: Community-Based and Inclusive Conservation and Impacts of Tourism Changes on Cultural Heritage Sites and Wildlife.
The US Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management has announced this program:
Management and Citizen-supported Studies for National Conservation Lands
Due Date: 2021-04-23
Notes: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) invites applications to its Management and Citizen-supported Studies for National Conservation Lands program supporting studies aimed at increasing the understanding of the resources present on BLM lands and the effectiveness of BLM’s resource management decisions. The program seeks to develop and maintain partnerships with state, local, and private stakeholders in shared conservation stewardship by engaging partners in conducting management-focused research on National Conservation Lands. Multiple awards of up to $25,000 each may be made.
The US Forest Service has issue an RFP for the Urban & Community Forestry challenge. This is a 1:1 matching program.
Due Date: 2021-04-16
Notes: The USDA Forest Service seeks innovative grant proposals for program development, study, and collaboration that will address urban and community forest resilience and aligns with one or more applicable goals in the National Ten Year Urban and Community Forestry Action Plan (2016-2026). The two categories for funding are: 1) Increasing resiliency of urban forests through reforestation and management, and 2) Planning disaster mitigation strategies for urban forests. A 1:1 match is required.
The US Fish and Wildlife Service has issued a new RFP:
Migratory Bird Conservation in the Midwest
Due Date: 2021-05-02
Notes: This program provides grants for the conservation of birds that are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act but not Federally-listed as Endangered or Threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Proposals should address projects in the geographic area that includes USFWS Region 3 (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin); non-breeding season areas important for birds breeding in Region 3 states; or broad-scale actions that will have tangible benefits that include birds in these states. In 2021, priority will be given to projects that: 1) Further understanding of migration, migratory connectivity, migratory threats, wintering ecology, and annual survival for birds moving within and through the Midwest; 2) Build capacity for sustainable conservation and monitoring of Neotropical migrants during the non-breeding season; and/or 3) Assess trends, status, limiting factors and /or causes of decline of Great Lakes waterbirds or shorebirds.
The US Department of Commerce (NOAA/NWS) has issued a new RFP: Education, Training and Capacity Development for Weather, Water and Climate Forecasting
Due Date: 2021-05-03
Notes: Funding from this program will support a cooperative agreement to improve the performance of operational meteorologists and hydrologists worldwide through collaborative training and education from operational hydrologists/meteorologists, scientists, and academic staff with expertise across a wide range of environmental, educational, and social and behavioral sciences. One award of up to $8 million annually may be made.
And in a surprise move, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and Walmart (yeah, that Walmart; I’m just as shocked as you are) have announced an RFP for their Acres for America program: Acres for America Conservation Grants
Due Date: 2021-04-15 (Deadline for required pre-proposals)
Notes: NFWF is accepting applications for Walmart’s Acres for America program, which will award grants totaling up to $3.5 million to conserve important large-scale habitats for fish, wildlife, and plants. Prior to submitting a pre-proposal, applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the appropriate NFWF regional office (listed in the Applicant Assistance section of the RFP) to share project concepts and ideas before fully preparing and submitting a pre-proposal. An applicant webinar will be held on March 24.
The US EPA has a great new opportunity out now:
Measurement and Monitoring Methods for Air Toxics and Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Atmosphere
Due Date: 2021-06-02
Notes: This program supports research that will provide 1) advancements in measurement techniques for real time, continuous measurements of concentrations with minimum detection limits below background concentrations or health risk-based thresholds; and 2) advancements in stationary or mobile near source measurement methods for quantifying emission rates of fugitive emissions. Up to two awards with a combined total of $2.4 million may be made. Eligibility is restricted to domestic nonprofits, institutions of higher education, and state, tribal, and local governmental organizations.
The US NSF has an interesting new funding opportunity for creating leadership diversity in the geosciences:
Geoscience Opportunities for Leadership in Diversity
Due Date: Ongoing
Notes: The NSF invites proposals to its Geoscience Opportunities for Leadership in Diversity program supporting projects that will research and develop the complex interplay of environmental context, personal traits, and motivating factors that must be considered in creating belonging, accessibility, justice, equity, diversity and inclusion champions and supporting efforts that make the geosciences welcoming to all. Multiple awards of negotiable amounts may be made. Eligibility is unrestricted. Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis.
Our friends at the New England Aquarium shared this UNDP innovation challenge around Sustainable Fisheries with us:
Proposal Due Date: 9 May 2021
Recognizing the increasing urgency of addressing unsustainable fishing, the second OIC Challenge, launched in March 2021, seeks innovative solutions that address one or more of the following SDG 14 targets:
-By 2020, end overfishing, IUU fishing and destructive fishing practices
-By 2030, increase the economic benefits to SIDS and LDCs from the sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable management of fisheries (and) aquaculture
-Provide access for small scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets
The Clif Family Foundation has a new grant available: Small Grants for Projects Focused on the Environment, Food and Agriculture, and Health
Due Date: 2021-06-01
Notes: Through this program, grants will be awarded in support of mission-driven organizations and/or projects in the areas of the environment, food and agriculture, preventative approach to people’s health, and sustainable community development. Priority will be given to applicants that address two or more funding priorities at the same time, which include strengthening the food system, enhancing equitable community health outcomes, and safeguarding the environment and natural resources; demonstrate strong community ties; and operate within viable and clearly defined plans for positive change.
Here’s a new one from the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation:
ConocoPhillips SPIRIT of Conservation
Due Date: 2021-05-27 (Deadline for required pre-proposals)
Notes: This program funds projects that protect, restore, or enhance grassland, wetland, sage-steppe, and coastal habitats for birds; and conduct identified priority avian research or monitoring with an emphasis in focal geographies. The program is a partnership among ConocoPhillips, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Approximately $1,300,000 is expected to be available for grant awards in 2021. Geographic focus areas are outlined in the RFP.
USDA NRCS has a new grant opportunity here: On-Farm Conservation Innovation Trial Grants
Due Date: 2021-06-21
Notes: Funding from Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) On-Farm Conservation Innovation Trials (On-Farm Trials) stimulates the adoption and evaluation of innovative conservation approaches in partnership with agricultural producers. For 2021, applications are accepted for projects addressing at least one of the following priorities: Irrigation Management Technologies; Climate Smart Agricultural Solutions; Management Technologies and Strategies; and Soil Health Demonstration Trial. Up to $25 million is available for On-Farm Trials in 2021. NRCS anticipates that at least $10 million of On-Farm Trials funding in 2021 will be awarded to entities applying for the Soil Health Demo Trial (SHD) component. A webinar for applicants is scheduled for May 13, 2021 at 3 p.m. Eastern.